Khaizuran is Two!

Khaizuran First hour of life

Alhamdullilah...Khaizuran is two years old, yesterday was his birthday. The 2nd of Jun 2007 is a significant day for us. This is the day when we both become parent (^_^). Time flies really fast as I still could remember the day when I got the double line the hours of pain trying anxiously to bring khaizuran into this world. Alhamdullilah this 2 years of journey have been a very joyful journey, there were ups and down but still we both feel happy and content. Our love are more complete with the existence of our Heroes Khaizuran and Khairin.

My dear son..mama and abah are so proud to be your parent. We have so many plans for your future InsyaAllah as long as we live and Allah give us the strength we will be here with you in the ups and downs of life. Khaizuran mama and abah prays and hope that you will be a good Muslim. Having and loving you is one of the most valuable things in our life. Mama and Abah love you so much my dear…you are our hero…


  1. Owh, happy birthday to khaizuran!! Semoga terus membesar dgn sihat dan ceria dan jadi anak yg soleh..

  2. Happy birthday Khaizuran sayang :)

  3. Thanks..
    Sheri birthday our hero dekat-dekat kan...kalau same zodiac sure ada persamaan dari segi personality...

    Kak long...thanks..amin (^_^)

  4. happy birthday Khaizuran

    mudah2an apa yg didoakan dan diharapkan termakbul.Amin..

  5. Heppy belated b'day zuran...semoga bahagia slalu b'sama mama, abah & adik khairin.

    mase zuran lahir ni, acik ida kt kg tgh pantang...hehehehhh

  6. Happy Belated 2nd Birthday Khaizuran! ;)


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