All About Khairin

Need to note down this before I forget

Able to turn his body at the age of 4 month.

Able to move his body forward and backward – 5 month

First solid food – 6 month

Able to crawl at the age of six month

Able to sit, after crawling he just sit – six month

Started to stand with support – 8 month

Start to climb – 8 month

Start to stand and walk with support 9 month

Walked steady and running 14 month

Start to stand without support 9 ½ month

First tooth actually two tooth appear at the same time- 10 month

Able to walk forward 10 month

Start saying his first word 12 month – nak..mama...

Able to run 13 month

The third and forth tooth -12 month

Play with the ball, kick and throw the ball 12 month

Follow when people pray and wuduk – 14 month know how to sujud, rukuk and berdoa..
