
Since the beginning of our marriage we only use the natural family planning, I never consume any pill or use IUD dll. It is not because we don’t agree on family planning of course we support family planning as raising a child is a serious matter but we believed we are still young, our economy is stable and I have no health problem before, during or after my pregnancy so If Allah give us the rezeki it will be fine…

But the last two weeks I have forgot all of this. When my period didn’t come and I got positive I was confuse I didn’t utter the word Alhamdullilah instead I just blame my other half for making me pregnant. I told him I was not ready and he has ruined my plan. I was not happy to receive such a wonderful gift from Allah. After receiving warm comments from my mother, friends and of course my other half. I become excited and accepted my pregnancy with open arms.

Just after five days feeling happy with this pregnancy, there was blood. There was not just a little blood but a lot of blood with the cramps and pain I just cried as I was afraid that I will lose this pregnancy. By Allah will I did lose my precious gift. I cried and regret my sins. I blame myself for not wanting to be pregnant at the first place. Again my other half with his caring words shed away my tears. He didn’t blame me and convince me to throw away the feeling that Allah is punishing me and remind me that Allah is just testing my faith.

Astaghfirullahalazim Astaghfirullahalazim …I beg for your forgiveness Ya Allah…please Ya Allah forgive me


  1. Mula2 akak baca, terus happy dan nak wish terkejut bila terus baca. tak apa ufa,mungkin bukan rezeki ufa dan suami kali ni. semua ni perancangan dari Allah, mungkin yang terbaik dan ada hikmahnya yg kita tak tahu lagi.take care ye:)

  2. I take pills uffa, because I think i'm not ready yet to have another child...(tggu bsr skit kot...diorg active sgt...i need more space/time for me as well)

    jgn salah kn diri uffa..Allah know the best for you, maybe mmg btol uffa blom ready lg...sbb tu Allah ambik blk...xpe, masih ade byk mase lg...insyaAllah ade rezeki lg in the future...

  3. thanks kak hana n idda..sure ada hikmahnya insyaAllah kami akan dapat rezeki lagi kan...

  4. ulfa,i wish i could have a baby again but i have terrible experince, bad delivery both times emergency c-section and dr ckp this time around i have to wait five years, and kalau after 5 yrs pun, my baby kena dikeluarkan at 6 months. plus very what i am trying to say is, i wish i could have more baby like u, but Allah knows what's best for me. Same goes for you. InsyaAllah don't think too much. When the time is right, you will get another one. Allah knows best :)

  5. Just wanna share dis info with u, I jus gotta know it just now. Paternal factors: Little is known about how the father's condition contributes to a couple's risk for miscarriage, though the risk does rise with the father's age. Researchers are studying the extent to which sperm could be damaged by environmental toxins but still manage to fertilize an egg. Some studies have found a greater risk of miscarriage when the father has been exposed to mercury, lead, and some industrial chemicals and pesticides.


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